Dr. Nadav Cohen

Elad Hazan Lab website
Deep learning, one of the most significant recent developments in machine learning, has been responsible for leaps in performance in computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing. Dr. Cohen, whose PhD in computer science and engineering is from the Hebrew University, uses the branch of mathematics called tensor analysis to examine the expressive power of deep networks to better understand how to make use of these networks for increasingly bigger problems that may eventually span human level perception capabilities.
Dr. Cohen’s deep mathematical understanding and his ability to explain abstract concepts clearly have made him a valued colleage, and also led to an outstanding teaching record. He was the lead teaching assistant for a new course, “Computer Vision,” at the Hebrew University. The course ran for four years and grew from 30 students to around 100 in the fourth year. Dr. Cohen organized the course and was responsible for the other teaching assistants who taught in it. He was ranked among the top five teaching assistants of his department.